IDSSC 2024

October | Ekim 17 | 17.30

Our Congress is finally over.
Kongremiz sonlandı.

Thanks to all of our participants for their contribution...
Tüm katılımcılarımıza katkıları için teşekkürlerimizle...

GDPR/Clarification Text



IDSSC 2024 (Pursuant to the Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data)


This disclosure text has been prepared for the purpose of informing the relevant persons within the scope of Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (Law) regarding the personal data that the Turkish Statistical Association (hereinafter referred to as “TİD”) will process as the “Data Controller” within the scope of the International Data Science and Statistics Congress 2024 (Congress).

Your personal data specified below will be processed by TİD in a limited manner for the purposes of conducting the congress activity, conducting activities in accordance with the legislation, conducting finance and accounting affairs, conducting training activities, conducting communication activities, conducting customer relations management processes, conducting sponsorship activities, organization and event management, ensuring physical space security, following up and conducting legal affairs, and conducting supply process activities

Within the scope of the Congress, TİD may process identity data (information included in identity documents such as name, surname, Turkish identity number, passport number, contact data e-mail, telephone number, mobile phone, address, city), personnel data (title, organization name, CV information), professional experience data (professional experience, educational status, certificates, professional competencies, foreign language knowledge), customer transaction data (information on invoices and receipts), transaction security data (user name and password obtained for accessing application software, IP address information, website login and logout information), financial data (IBAN, bank account data, billing information), physical location security data (participants' login and logout record information, indoor and outdoor camera recordings), marketing data (cookie records, surveys), visual and audio recording data (photographs of real persons, voice records, camera recordings, video recordings, group photography, catalog, publication on website or social media), health information data (allergy information)

Your personal data may be processed from your web page visit; from your CV; from conversations with you; from third parties; when you contact us through our website, e-mail, social media platforms, other online channels or by phone; when you participate in our TİD events, seminars, congresses and organizations; when we contact you for a congress; via the internet, telephone, e-mail, special electronic applications; when filling out documents arising from our legislative obligations or when you interact with us in any other way, and from physical, written, verbal and electronic channels.

Your personal data listed above may be processed based on the legal grounds of “processing personal data belonging to the parties to the contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract”, “it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation”, “it has been made public by the relevant person”, “data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right” and “data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller”

In addition, the data regarding allergy status from the mentioned personal data may be processed based on the legal grounds of “related to personal data made public by the relevant person and in accordance with the will to make public”, and the publication of photos, sound recordings, camera recordings, video recordings related to the event on the website or social media, and non-mandatory cookie records may be processed based on the legal grounds of “having the explicit consent of the relevant person”

Your processed personal data may be transferred to legally authorized institutions and organizations for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations, to third parties within the scope of the contract for the purposes of carrying out goods and service procurement processes such as accommodation and transfer services, and for the use of videos and photographs taken at the Congress in written, visual and social media

Within the scope of the law, you have the right to learn whether personal data has been processed regarding you, to request information regarding this if personal data has been processed, to learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, to know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad, to request correction of personal data if it is processed incompletely or incorrectly, to request deletion or destruction of data if the reasons requiring processing of your personal data are eliminated, to request that your information corrected or deleted upon your request be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, if transferred, to object to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, and to request compensation for damages in the event of damages incurred due to unlawful processing of personal data.

If you submit your requests regarding your rights in question to us using the methods specified in the 'Relevant Person Information Form' below, your applications will be reviewed by the Data Controller and evaluated and finalized as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. Although it is essential that no fee is charged for the requests, TİD reserves the right to charge a fee based on the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

If the relevant persons make a request that will result in TİD not being able to use any of their personal data, they may not be able to fully benefit from TİD's services and operations. Any liability arising in this context will be the responsibility of the relevant person.


*This Document is Provided by ACCERT JSC., the GDPR Sponsor of the Congress.


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