Uluslararası Veri Bilimi ve İstatistik Kongresi IDSSC 2024

İçerik eklenecektir.

Fees and Payment

Fees that must be paid by the participants who plan to attend the International Data Science and Statistics Congress IDSSC 2024 and important notes are listed below.

  Before September 15, 2024 After September 15, 2024
Participation with Paper 240 Euro 300 Euro
On-line Participation with Paper 120 Euro 150 Euro
Congress Participation 280 Euro 350 Euro
B2B Participation 100 Euro 140 Euro
Education Participation  It will be announced later according to the contents.  
Competition Participation It will be announced later according to the contents.   
Daily Participation 100 Euro 140 Euro
*TİD Members will receive a 20% discount on the announced registration fees.
  • Announced registration fees include the right to Full Participation during the Congress. Full Participation includes entrance to scientific meetings, visit to the exhibition area, refreshments and lunch services.
  • The ones who wish to attend solely as spectators must pay the Congress Participation Fee
  • Daily Participants will benefit from the rights of the day they participate.
  • Participation fee for training will be announced separately for each training.
  • In co-authored studies, each participant who will attend the congress in person must pay a registration fee.
  • Papers for which the registration fee has not been paid will not be included in the program.
  • The receipt showing that the registration fee has been paid must be uploaded to the system using the link in the Congress Participation/My Applications page.
  • A certificate of participation will be given to those who pay the registration fee, register and make their presentations.
  • Participants who register by taking advantage of the TID membership discount must also send the confirmation document received from the Association regarding their membership to adress.
  • Prices include VAT.
  • Application information will also be provided for researchers and academicians who will benefit from TUBITAK support for participation in the congress.


Bank Account Information:

Account Name: Türk İstatistik Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi  
IBAN No Currency Bank/Branch Name
TR36 0001 0017 6297 8588 0950 02 EURO Ziraat Bank Bilkent/Ankara Branch 
TR09 0001 0017 6297 8588 0950 03 USD Ziraat Bank Bilkent/Ankara Branch

Credit card:

Transactions can be made through the link on the Congress Participation/Applications page.

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